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You Were Called Out Of False Religions

   It always amazes me when I think how God can call his children to his truth when he calls us out of this world.
   I know for me, all I saw was the religions of this world, I didn’t know their was any others. When I say the religions of the world I mean the ones we all know, they observe Christmas, Easter, etc.. and attend church on Sundays.
   I thought these were God’s churches when I was a small child.
When I was called, I was not called to any of these groups, I heard his truth in another group that I didn’t know existed. They had services on Saturday (7th day) did not observe Christmas, Easter and so on, but kept the holy days from the Bible. This was all very new to me.
   I’m saying all this because it still gets under my skin when someone from a group like this tries to reason that it’s okay to bring pagan festivals into the church.
   When God called us, he called us OUT from all the pagan groups and into His truth and the way He wants us to worship Him, and again that amazes me when all you see is pagan stuff, he was able to call us out.
   And then you want to go back and worship demons!!!

Someone Who Cares


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